Reclaim Your Mid-Life Magnificence

Midlife may seem like a challenging time, but it’s a time to break free from the boundaries of age, heal yourself, and enter into the world of a feeling unstoppable

So, reinvent Yourself with Grace And Courage!

prickly pear cactus flower line drawing in brown

Life isn’t about caving into everyone’s demands and expectations

You’re the woman everyone loves being around because of your boundless energy and dedication to make things happen without a hint of struggle. But lately, you feel unfulfilled, burnt out, and stuck in a disconnected rut. You’ve lived too long in your head instead of your heart and soul. You’ve held your creativity, magic, and glow captive for too long.

Laura Enzor smiling
my story

Hi there, I’m Laura!

I’ll help you re-imagine how your life can be, feel, and expand when you’re connected to your creativity, motivation and inspiration

As a Reinvention Coach, a performance artist, a fitness expert, and a Lyme disease survivor, I know midlife can be a daunting time for personal development. You may get depressed and think life is over and you don’t have any potential or energy to achieve what you’d like to. Or you can get a life coach like I did and unleash your true powers to let the world know that this isn’t over.

As A Woman Of A Certain Age, You May Feel Like:

  • Your Invisible because your body is changing.

  • You’re Tired Of Pleasing others and putting yourself last

  • You’re Suppressing all your wants and putting on a fake smile

  • You’re Discouraged because you’ve tried making changes but they won’t stick!

  • You Don’t Feel Satisfied with how you are living your current life and need a life-changing training.

Believe me, I have gone through the same struggle. With empathy I can guide you through the storm and help you get to sunnier shores.

Step Into The Next Stage Of Your Life With Purpose And Passion!

Laura Enzor reinvention coach smiling outdoors

My Life Story from A Drama- filled Childhood To A Life Coach Can Be Your Motivation

My light dimmed after losing my father to cancer when I was 4. As the child of a newly single mother who worked to support her five children, I often was left alone to figure things out. A short year later, my life was turned upside down again as my mother remarried, and we became a blended family of 13 children, taking me further away from the  healing energy that was really needed for me to thrive. 

In this crucial time of learning and growing, I formed many of my shadow beliefs. From deep-rooted fears of abandonment and false beliefs about what it meant to be a woman, I kept everything inside. By keeping myself busy all the time, it helped push away unprocessed grief and frustration. As an adult, I would then hold myself to impossible standards.  

Laura Enzor sitting on countertop holding coffee cup smiling

My Turning Point

Years later, at lunch with a long-time friend, I shared an update on my exhaustive health journey and my frustration with doctors who didn’t know how to help me deal with my debilitating Lyme disease symptoms. And instead of meeting me with understanding and comfort, she responded:

“You just need to accept your situation, stay positive, and look on the bright side.”

Rolling my eyes when she wasn’t looking, I was furious and exhausted.

I realized I felt empty on a soul level. 

At that moment, I knew I needed help reigniting the flame within me by reaching out to a transformation coach and connecting with my creativity, wonder, and joy. The same creative spark that fueled my life – from a BFA in modern dance, over 28 years as a professional fitness instructor, and the beautiful life I created for my family. 

Life is a dance. Here are some of my performances.

Excited to rewrite YOUR future story?

What working with me means for your Reinvention journey…

  • work through things that make you feel stuck and frustrated with proven coaching methods

  • shine a light on all the ways you’re living in fear, and learn how to break the habits keeping you paralyzed.

  • learn how to engage your soul-aligned self to rebuild your life from a place of joy.

  • engage in new behaviors and practice them to gain confidence and feel better about where you’re headed

  • fill your toolbox with expert strategies and tools you can count on to go from unfulfilled and disconnected to motivated and inspired

  • learn the steps to building the life you always imagined for yourself so you can dance along the light of day

You can live a life based on what you really want, but only if you dare to take the first step.

Stand Up For Yourself Because I Stand For You.

Let's Discuss Your Midlife Needs With A Free “MindShift Momentum” Session Now!