Life is a Non-Stop Up-leveling Party!

We have the Gen Z gaming industry to thank for this term: UP-LEVELING

It’s certainly not one I grew up with, but it’s one I welcome. It makes sense. You complete one level of life with all of its monsters and near-death escapes only to find another waiting.

Life is one non-stop up-leveling party.

Upleveling, of course, is challenging because old mindset patterns keep us stuck in the same old song and dance. These patterns can be so ingrained in our thoughts and behaviors that we don't even realize they are holding us back.

For example, if you have a pattern of procrastination, it can be difficult to make progress on your goals. Or if you have a pattern of self-doubt, it can be hard to believe in yourself and your abilities. These patterns can also manifest in our relationships and interactions with others, causing you to attract the same types of people and situations into your life.

I fought to uplevel my own life for years, but it felt like I took two steps back for every step forward.

Until I got a coach.

Through coaching, I learned that the key to up-leveling on these patterns is awareness and deliberate action. This process can be difficult, but it is important to remember that it’s never too late to change and start living the life you truly want.

We started by setting specific, measurable and achievable goals that aligned with the changes I wanted to make and then identified the limiting beliefs and behaviors that were holding me back. I could then effectively challenge these limiting beliefs while surrounding myself with supportive people who could keep me accountable and motivated.

In time, I developed a growth mindset and believe that my abilities can be developed through hard work, effort, and learning. It has allowed me to be more open-minded and resilient when faced with challenges and setbacks.

YOU can nurture and develop a growth mindset too!

Start up-leveling today by booking a Free Mindshift Momentum Session where we can discuss your situation and about how Reinvention Coaching can support you on your personal growth journey.

It’s never too late to up-level.


Certified Life Coach | Empowering women to prioritize their emotional health by using my proven reinvention process to get more of what they want in life | I'm the calm in their life storm |Creator of AffirMotion | Author | Lyme Disease Butt-Kicker


Stop Holding Yourself Back…


Dear Midlife Maven,